Wednesday, January 14, 2015

water color painting

Yesterday I had some fun water color painting. I had tried to learn to water color a few months ago, probably around October or November. My main purpose for trying was to introduce it to my girls and hopefully open up a world of creating for them. I noticed that whenever I suggested they water color (simply because the paints are easy to come by, cheap, not as messy as other paints, and we already own a TON), they always said there isn't much you can do with them. So my mission was to show them there is a lot you can do with a simple palette of water color paints! I watched some videos, tried some techniques, and created some decent sun setting pictures, which did get my girls using their creativity and giving these paints a try. They have been painting nonstop for a few months now, creating wonderful pictures (way to go mom!). So, yesterday I decided to take a few tips from how they paint and give it a go, and these are two paintings I created:
Both of my daughters say this is their favorite one I created, a lovely fox sitting and watching a sunset.

This is my favorite one, I had Minnie Mouse in mind! I think now that I am getting the hang of it and starting to create pictures that I actually like, I may continue on and see how far I can go with this new endeavor. Plus, it is always fun to have something to do with your kids.

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