Saturday, February 14, 2015

how we met...

I thought it would be fun to write up a post about how my husband and I met. Being as it is Valentine's Day, I thought it would be fitting! Believe it or not, we met online. We came across each other in a chat room one day, chatted for a few minutes and exchanged email addresses. After a few emails, we exchanged phone numbers. We talked on the phone (way too much!) for about three months, already planning to elope. He was going to come to Iowa, where I was living at the time, and then we would be off! Unfortunately, the tragedy of 9-11 took place, changing everything drastically for so many people overnight, including the military. He could no longer get any time off to come to Iowa, so I took a bus (or several) to South Carolina where he was stationed. We met in person for the first time ever and got married three days later! We were married on a porch by an old man in slippers at about 10pm after my husband got off work. (We have the proof, as the old man is smiling in all our wedding photos!) We were accompanied by three of my husband's friends at the time (all military), one of them insisting he was my brides maid! Afterwards, we all ate at Applebee's. Our wedding cake was purchased by some of his friends at the local grocery store (with my name spelled wrong), and was eaten in one of their dorm rooms. Our honeymoon consisted of an afternoon at the beach between my husband's shifts, soaking in the sun and enjoying the ocean. It was a whirlwind experience that has taken us to where we are today. We have been happily married for 13 years and have two beautiful daughters! I love that we both knew with such certainty that we were meant to be together so early in knowing one another. I love that it reminds me of Disney's Enchanted, when the prince first meets Giselle:
What more could you ask for?