This post was created in participation of the Literary Heroine Blog Party hosted at Accordion to Kelly.
1. Introduce yourself! Divulge your life's vision, likes, dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random! Hmm. I never know what to say with these type of questions. I generally use the name Paperdollmom throughout the internet world, which I came up with simply because I use to draw a lot of paper dolls. My aspirations? That is a bit of a loaded question for me. I guess I would aspire to be free of OCD, to see my daughter free from Crohn's Disease, be more efficient during the energy work that I do, and to find a way to enjoy the beauty of our Earth more abundantly.
2. What, to you, forms the essence of a true heroine? Good heart, strength, and courage. The heroine's story doesn't matter, if she walks through life with those three characteristics, she is a heroine.
3. Share (up to) four heroines of literature that you most admire and relate to. I am not sure I can really answer that? I don't think that I necessarily have a favorite, or favorites that come to mind. I think I just easily relate myself to just about any woman in a novel. I am a highly sensitive person and an empath, so I think looking through another's eyes comes quite natural to me. I will say that most books that relate to me on a lighter level, such as less meaningful characteristics of a person, reside in books that take place during historical time periods.
4. Five of your favorite historical novels? I will take historic to mean loosely, not necessarily meaning the book revolves around a specific event. I love Great Expectations, which is no secret. I also love Beowulf (a very specific translation that I own, I am super picky), The Theban Plays (again, a specific translation that I am so sad to not yet own), O Pioneers!, and My Antonia.
5. Out of those five books who is your favorite major character and why? Yikes. that is hard. I don't think I've ever really pitted characters from different novels against each other. I would have to say....Pip from Great Expectations. Probably Beowulf is a close second. I find that super strange to say, as I generally tend to gravitate towards novels whose main characters are female. Now for the why...I say Pip because his story is so full and complete. It is like reading through one's life, watching him be young and innocent, striving for things that are of no importance, discovering the truth of the world, meanwhile never losing his own heart in the process. It is much of what each of us go through in our own lives. And for Beowulf, that is probably pretty obvious. He has endless strength and courage when it comes to helping those in need.
6. Out of those five books who is your favorite secondary character and why? Oh, that is easy. Pip's aunt, Mrs. Joe Gargery. She is a sour character really, but her sourness is for some reason hysterical to me. I just can't understand how someone puts so much effort into being so unhappy!
7. If you were to plan out your dream vacation, where would you travel to - and what would you plan to do there? I don't know. I am not super picky about these sort of things, I just like being with my family. I always love it when we got to Florida to go to Sea World and Disney World. I always have such a blast. But I think it would be super interesting to go to England and visit all the castles and such. Maybe visit Jane Austen's home. I can't imagine that anyone else in my family would like that though! I also think it would be really interesting to visit Ireland as well. I just imagine it is so incredibly beautiful. Not sure what I would do there, probably just stare endlessly at all the landscape!
8. What is your favorite time period and culture to read about? I really enjoy learning a lot of about the Tudors. For many years now, I have been obsessed with Queen Elizabeth I. I am so in love with this woman that she can bring me to tears!
9. You have been invited to perform at the local charity concert. Singing, comedy, recitation, tap dancing…What is your act comprised of? I am actually quite musically talented. I played a viola for 12 years, can basically pick up any instrument and play something on it. I got a Ukulele for Christmas, it was an early gift in November I believe. I was playing a ton of Christmas carols on it by Christmas. I would probably do something musical. What exactly? It would probably just depend on my mood!
10. If you were to attend a party where each guest was to portray a heroine of literature, who would you select to represent? Hmm. That is pretty tough. I would probably say Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility. She is so dramatically filled with emotions, I could have fun with that!
11. Favorite author(s)? Not sure that I really have a specific favorite author. If I was to think of it in terms of which author do I love the most books he/she has written, I would probably say Mercedes Lackey. I like reading all her fairy tale books. I also really like Willa Cather.
12. In which century were most of the books you read written? Not 100% sure. That is pretty terrible of me I suppose. Probably the 1800's. I think.
13. In your opinion, the ultimate hero in all literature is… I would have to say Beowulf. Grendel...blah!
14. In your opinion, the most dastardly villain of all literature is… I don't think I have an answer for that. Even in the books I listed as my five favorites, I don't really think there are villains in them. Not in a way to consider them as a true villain. There most definitely would be in the fairy tale books I read, however, I am drawing a complete blank for those, as it has been a while since I read them. I did start Mercedes Lackey's The Black Swan the other night.....
15. Describe your ideal dwelling place. I absolutely loved living in Alaska. It is truly a beautiful place. I would love to go back there and stay someday, though I don't think that will happen. Ideally, I would love to live somewhere that is just beautiful.
16. Sum up your fashion style in a short sentence. According to my girls, what fashion sense? I am, and have always been, a plain Jane. I prefer plain jeans, plain t-shirts, nothing fancy. I prefer loose clothing over fitted. I like to be comfortable!
17. Three favorite Non-fiction books? Letters of E.B. White, Essays of E.B. White, and not sure what the third is. I'm sure I have one, just can't think of it right now!
18. Your duties met for the day, how would you choose to spend a carefree summer day? Reading, watching my girls play outside in the warm summer sun!
19. Create a verbal sketch of your dream hat - in such a way as will best portray your true character. Uhhh...?
20. Share the most significant event(s) that have marked your life in the past year. I'm not really sure I can think of something. It might be my frame of mind, thinking this event has to be HUGE. But our family going to Florida this past summer was pretty amazing. Our family really got to spend a lot of quality time together, even Grandma Shoes came out to be with us for a couple of days! I always forever remember our vacations in Florida.
21. Share the Bible passage(s) that have been most inspiring to you recently. I'll be honest and say I am not much of a Bible reader anymore. I have had a few experiences in my life that have left me in a place where I feel more comfortable seeking out God in my own way. I receive uplifting and inspiring messages in my world around me!