Thursday, March 12, 2015

5 random books

Today is once again, Top 5 Wednesday over at that Goodreads group. The prompt is to share your top 5 books that made you think. That is a little silly for me, as I am an intense thinker through just about every book that I read, and most books prompt me to look up more info about something. I guess I am a bit of an intense reader, which I think in turn makes me picky! But if I were to list my top 5 books that made me think, it would just end up being a list that you have already seen before, mainly consisting of my favorites. So I thought I would share the top 5 random books I own that I like.
The Complete Guide to Chakras: Unleash the Positive Power Within
The Complete Guide to Chakras Vintage Edition by Ambika Wauters. Once while my mother was visiting us, we of course went to the only local bookstore for a bit of shopping, as she is a book lover as well. At that time, the bookstore we had in our town was much bigger, and was more of a warehouse that sold remainder books and all kinds of things. I found this gem and my mother offered to buy it for me! It is really a beautiful book, filled with a lot of chakra info, categorized by the 7 main chakras. It does not hold a lot of information, being less than 150 pages, but it gives a rundown of a lot of basic things. I refer to this book a lot when I am trying to figure something out or help someone. It gives me a bit of guidance to look further to pinpoint the problem. There is also a lot of info about how to help sooth your own chakras, such as through gemstones, aromatherapy, things like that. I relay that info a lot to people to help them help themselves. 
Merriam Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary
Merriam-Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary. I utilize this book a lot when I am writing poetry. It is just a fun little book to have.
The Element Encyclopedia of Vampires
The Element Encyclopedia of Vampires by Theresa Cheung. This book is pretty awesome. It is huge, filled with so many things. I can just sit down and flip from section to section, reading about strange legends, creatures, historical factual moments, and it is never-ending, all about vampires. There is actually some surprising things I learned in this book.
The Rough Guide to The Universe by John Scalzi. First off, why does it seem I own so many books that are not listed in Goodreads? I have to keep using Amazon, which doesn't make sense if Goodreads is owned by Amazon. I wish they would fix this! Anyways, this is basically what the title says. Full of info (that is probably old, as it was first published in 2003), black and white photos throughout, with a section of color photos in the middle of the book. I don't know why, but I found this in a bookstore once when we were in Williamsburg, Virginia, and I liked it. Every now and then I get in a "space" mood, and feel like learning something. This book satisfies that for me. 
Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul: Amazing Sea Stories and Wyland Artwork to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul. This is honestly the only Chicken Soup book I own, and the only Chicken Soup book I have ever read from. I frequently get in moods where I want an ocean tale, just cannot get enough of them, even though I don't own many and struggle to find ones that I really enjoy (I think I am just terrible at discovering the right books for me). I once received a gift card for Barnes and Noble from my mother for my birthday, and I was in an ocean reading mood, so I ordered this book, along with two other ocean reads (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Eyes of the Amaryllis). It is filled with tons of stories that relate to the ocean, some I have yet to still read. The stories are sweet and uplifting and remind the reader of the connection of all things on this planet.

And that is 5 random books that I own that I like that I thought might be fun to share! What random books do you have that might be surprising to know?

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